Turn Reviews Into Results

Tap into what actual consumers really think, straight from their product reviews and ratings. Created exclusively for consumer brand leaders, Yogi helps you instantly identify market trends, discover product-level insights, and uncover competitive intelligence. Updated in real-time, Yogi's easy-to-use AI-powered platform enables you to always make the right decision quickly and confidently.

Top consumer brands using Yogi

Church Dwight
Traditional Medicnals

Shopper Insights That Make a Difference

Shopper Sentiment Analysis with Yogi

Unlock new levels of shopper understanding with Yogi, built for the consumer goods industry. Benefit from our unmatched sentiment analysis to delve deep into shopper perceptions of both your products and your competitors', uncovering the insights you need to succeed.

The Flexible Solution for Your Team

Yogi adapts to your existing workflows, no matter your team's size, bandwidth, product stage, or industry vertical. Whether you're part of product, ecommerce, marketing, or merchandising, Yogi enables you to reach your goals with ease.

Quantify Shopper Feedback

Turn qualitative insights into data that lets you prioritize and quantify the voice of your customers. Our solution includes:

  • A powerful platform for in-depth analysis
  • AI-driven automated insights at your fingertips
  • Optional white-glove support from expert analysts

Reduce Lost Sales, Drive Higher Sentiment

Use Yogi insights to align PDP, marketing, and product evolution with shopper needs. Use better data to properly allocate resources, preventing misallocated spend and lost sales while driving success with higher product ratings and conversion rates.

Prioritize for Impact

Transform shopper feedback into actionable insights. Yogi shows you exactly what shoppers like and dislike about your product features and attributes, turning reviews into clear data insights that can be ranked and prioritized for impact.

How it Works
How it Works
Don’t Just Take Our Word For It
Questions & Answers

What makes Yogi’s insights better?

Designed specifically for the consumer goods industry, our solution combines cutting-edge AI technology with a team of experienced analysts, providing deeper insights into shopper sentiment - from brand perceptions to the most granular product attributes. Get the information you need, on demand, without relying on time-consuming customer surveys or focus groups.

How does Yogi integrate with my team?

Yogi is designed to be flexible to your workflows and bandwidth. Our solution works with various teams across your organization, including marketing, merchandising, product, R&D, and ecommerce. Integrating with popular review aggregators and BI visualization tools such as Bazaarvoice, PowerReviews, Yotpo, Power BI, and Tableau, Yogi streamlines your data analysis process, without disrupting your internal systems.

Can Yogi pull in competitor products too?

Yes. Yogi pulls from market-wide sources to create a comprehensive view of the landscape.

Is there a limit to the number of users we can give an account to?

No, a Yogi subscription includes unlimited user seats.
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